American History thru Movies


Fridays @10am: Sept. 17,24; Oct.1,8,15,22,29; Nov. 5, 12, 19; Dec.3,10,17

This is a live online class that meets once a week for 13-weeks.  Each week the student will use their computer/iPad to logon using Zoom to participate in the class.  All students will be visible (if they choose) as well as the teacher.  The students will have the ability to ask questions and dialog with the teacher and other students.  It will be the student/parent’s responsibility to print all materials needed for the lapbook and procure all supplies for the projects. 

Special Note on Lapbooks:  A lapbook is two manila file folders stapled in the middle to form a book.  Minibooks are added on each topic we discuss in class.  Thus, by the end of the course, your student will have a book filled with minibooks charting history in this time period.  A video will be posted to show exactly how to cut, fold and glue each minibook into the lapbook.

Regarding Books & Movies: You are the parent and have the right to say ‘no’ to your student viewing any movie or book assigned during this class.