Category: homeschool thoughts

  • Science Survival

    Science Survival

    What happens if you decide to homeschool and you failed science class, not just one science class but practically all of them? On the other hand, what happens if you decide to homeschool and you got an “A” in chemistry, but you never did anything to merit that grade, and therefore you don’t know the…

  • Homeschool Waters

    Homeschool Waters

    As I began this homeschool journey, my expectations and reality have clashed more times than I’d like to count. Being a former teacher, I love to make lesson plans and think of how I can relate a topic or subject to incite excitement and see the light of understanding dawn on the student’s face. I…

  • How much time is enough?

    How much time is enough?

    How much time does it take to learn to read? How much time does it take to learn numbers? How much time does it take to feel acceptance? How much time does it take to feel love? How much time does it take to have understanding? We can go on and on about this, and…

  • Surviving Science Article

    Surviving Science Article

    What happens if you decide to homeschool and you failed science class, not just one science class but practically all of them? On the other hand, what happens if you decide to homeschool and you got an “A” in chemistry, but you never did anything to merit that grade, and therefore you don’t know the…

  • Home School Waters

    Home School Waters

    As I began this homeschool journey, my expectations and reality have clashed more times than I’d like to count. Being a former teacher, I love to make lesson plans and think of how I can relate a topic or subject to incite excitement and see the light of understanding dawn on the student’s face. I…